Table of contents
- π· animation-name: [ <none> | <custom-value> ]
- π· animation-duration: <time>
- π· animation-delay: <time>
- π· animation-iteration-count: infinite | <number>
- π· animation-fill-mode: none | forwards | backwards | both
- π· animation-direction: normal | reverse | alternate | alternate-reverse
- π· animation-play-state: running | paused
- π· animation-timing-function:
- π· animation: <time> || <easing-function> || <time> || <single-animation-iteration-count> || <single-animation-direction> || <single-animation-fill-mode> || <single-animation-play-state> || [ none | <keyframes-name> ]
- Defining the animation sequence using keyframes
- How to give multiple animation properties:
- βΏ Accessibility concern:
- Few of the examples I practiced to make animation handy:
I was wondering about pre-loader, image pop-ups, dynamic/moving SVG elements, etc. This made me read about animation and here are the basics I have covered so far...
Animation is the property that is used to transition CSS properties of a particular tag from one property to another over a particular period of time.
Animation can be broken down into two parts:
CSS and a keyframe
CSS - is used to give CSS property that should be applied while the tag is under animation process i.e while animation applied what property should be applied to a tag
keyframe - is used to define the animation. It is composed of two or more values, a starting and an ending frame of 100% between which a style can be applied as an option
Letβs look at all animation properties and shorthands :
π· animation-name: [ <none>
| <custom-value>
This is the property which species one or more name of @ keyframe .
More than one value should be comma-separated.
π· animation-duration: <time>
This property sets the time to be taken to complete one cycle of an animation.
possible values are zero or positive numbers with βsβ or βmsβ.
The default value is β0sβ which indicates no animation should occur.
π· animation-delay: <time>
This property specifies what should be a time delay before the beginning of the animation cycle over an element.
Possible values are zero, +ve value, -ve values . +ve values delays the animation start by s/ms, zero starts the animation immediately and -ve value begins the animation cycle immediately but animation starts s/ms .
Values can be given in s and ms
π· animation-iteration-count: infinite | <number>
This property specifies the number of counts an animation attached should complete before its end.
property is specified as one or more comma-separated values.If multiple values are specified, each time the animation is played the next value in the list is used, cycling back to the first value after the last one is used.
π· animation-fill-mode: none | forwards | backwards | both
This property specifies whether the properties applied during the animation cycle should be retained or to get back original properties after the animation is completed.
none - this value will not apply any property specified during the animation cycle while itβs not executing
forwards - this value retains the applied properties after its execution
backwards - this value applies properties specified in the first relevant keyframe in the animation-delay period. Once execution is finished it gets backs to the original property.
both: The animation will follow the rules for both forwards and backward, thus extending the animation properties in both directions.
π· animation-direction: normal | reverse | alternate | alternate-reverse
Configures whether or not the animation should alternate direction on each run through the sequence or reset to the start point and repeat itself.
normal - this value sets the animation cycle to repeat from beginning i.e from 0% to 100% and back again to 0%
reverse - this value sets the animation cycle to start and repeat from 100% to 0%
alternate - this value sets the animation cycle start and repeats from 0% to 100% alternatively
alternate-reverse - this value sets the animation cycle start from 100% and to 0% alternatively
π· animation-play-state: running | paused
This property determines whether an animation is running or paused.
Resuming a paused animation will start the animation from where it left off at the time it was paused, rather than starting over from the beginning of the animation sequence.
π· animation-timing-function:
<easing-function># where <easing-function> = linear | <cubic-bezier-timing-function> | <step-timing-function> where <cubic-bezier-timing-function> = ease | ease-in | ease-out | ease-in-out | cubic-bezier(<number [0,1]>, <number>, <number [0,1]>, <number>)<step-timing-function> = step-start | step-end | steps(<integer>[, <step-position>]?) where <step-position> = jump-start | jump-end | jump-none | jump-both | start | end
- This property sets how an animation progresses through the duration of each cycle.
π· animation: <time> || <easing-function> || <time> || <single-animation-iteration-count> || <single-animation-direction> || <single-animation-fill-mode> || <single-animation-play-state> || [ none | <keyframes-name> ]
this is the shorthand for all animation properties
Always first value specified with s/ms will be taken as animation-duration and second as animation-delay
animation-name should be CSS properties name
one or more comma-separated animations are taken as values
Defining the animation sequence using keyframes
We define the CSS style property that an element should be applied while itβs under the cycle of animation using @keyframes rules. Each keyframe describes how the animated element should render at a given time during the animation sequence.
Timing of the animation is defined inside keyframes in percentage and inside those timing defined a CSS style property which will be applied at that timing.
0% /from - start and 100%/to - final state of animation. In between these, you can define any timing sequence like 25%, 50% along with defining CSS styles.
@keyframes <animation-name> {
How to give multiple animation properties:
Multiple animations can be given as comma-separated values. each with name, count, delay, and duration.
If properties assigned are in equal number each will take up corresponding equal numbered value in each property.
If there are 3 animation names and a single duration all 3 will be applied to the same duration
If there are 3 value in one property and 2 in another, then the value taken will cycle back i.e if there is 3 value for names and 2 value for the duration then the first 2 will take the first 2 duration and 3rd will cycle back to 1st.
animation-name: cycleMe, fadeInOut,bounceMe;
animation-duration: 2s,3s;
cycleMe takes 1st and fadeInOut takes 3s and bounceMe takes 2s.
βΏ Accessibility concern:
Blinking and flashing animation can be problematic for people with cognitive concerns such as Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). Additionally, certain kinds of motion can be a trigger for Vestibular disorders, epilepsy, migraine, and Scotopic sensitivity.
Few of the examples I practiced to make animation handy:
π’ Pre-loader
π’ Text growing
π’ Zooming image
Hope this article is useful π......
Suggestions and add-ons are most welcome.